Ecumenical Church Leaders Forum

Creating peaceful communities that value human life for all people and are peaceful, just, and democratic, is achievable.

Creating peaceful communities that value human life for all people and are peaceful, just, and democratic, is achievable.

We have been providing services to a wide range of audiences for over fifteen (15) years, including the church, clergy, laypeople, traditional leaders, local community leaders, government ministries, agencies, and departments, women, men, boys, and people with disabilities. Our flagship program, Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Transformation and Healing (CPMRTH) is a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to peace building.
In addition to supporting dialogue, compromise, and mediation processes that are intended to foster social cohesion and communal harmony, our work is centered on assisting individuals in becoming more skilled and knowledgeable about Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Transformation, and Healing (CPMRTH).

Through the formation of Local Peace Committees at the ward, district, and provincial levels, we seek to establish infrastructures of peace whose members are equipped to manage and resolve conflicts.

In order to assist community development and advance human security and sustainable peace, ECLF seeks to leverage peace education in schools with students and education stakeholders.

Who We Are


A peaceful, just and democratic society which values the dignity and sanctity of human life for all.


To contribute towards a peaceful, just and democratic society by strengthening the capacity of the Church, community and its leadership at all levels with peace building skills.


As ECLF we believe in the following core values and beliefs: Peace , Truth , Justice, Tolerance, Accountability, Transparency, Inclusivity, Respect for human dignity.

Global Standards

In order to guarantee that our humanitarian response is moral, responsible, and successful, we also abide by and commit to other international standards for peace and human rights, such as "Do no harm" and the Core Humanitarian Standards. We accomplish this by incorporating these commitments into our policies, procedures, and practices.

With a focus on minimizing the negative effects of major conflict drivers and promoting social cohesion in both rural and urban communities, our work is firmly rooted in the Contextual Theological Reflections Approach, the Gender Transformative Approach, the Preventive Diplomacy Approach, the IEC Positive Peace Framework, the Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Approach, and the Action Learning Model.


Our Networks at a Glance

Our national partnerships include the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Council (ZCBC), the Association of Apostolic Churches in Zimbabwe (AACZ), the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MWACSMED), Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training (MYEDVT), the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MOPSE), Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing and various government ministries, agencies, and departments and multilateral organizations like UN Zimbabwe, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UKAID and UN Women. We collaborate with some Chapter 12 Commissions as partners in our work, including the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC), Gender Commission and the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) in the nation.

Our Partners

Creating peaceful communities that value human life for all people and are peaceful, just, and democratic, is achievable.